Twelve Step Call List

When a call comes in to the Nassau County AA hotline, our volunteers are able to provide lots of information and support – and one of the best things they provide is a follow-up call from a local AA member who lives in or near the caller’s community.

Here’s how it works:
  1. During a call to our hotline, the caller indicates they’d like to receive a call from a sober member of AA in their town.
  2. Our hotline volunteer takes down the caller’s name/number.
  3. The hotline volunteer then reaches out to someone from our 12th Step list to pass along the caller’s contact information.
  4. The 12th Step list volunteer reaches out to the caller to see how they can be helpful.
Our hotline people NEVER give out your contact information. Best of all, you can let us know what days/times are convenient for you to receive requests for follow-up calls.

Questions? Please visit our Contact Us form to send a message to our Twelve Step List coordinator.

Interested? Sign yourself up or print up a form and bring back to your group.