Intergroup Representatives
The Monthly Reps’ Meeting
The Intergroup Reps monthly meeting is held at 7:30pm on the first Thursday of every month. There is an orientation for new reps that begins at 7pm.
Currently, the meeting is hybrid so you can come to the office at 361 Hempstead Turnpike in West Hempstead, or attend via Zoom: Meeting ID: 554 670 5146 Passcode: 870607
An agenda (see sample here) is usually sent prior to the meeting with any relevant reports/information. (Please try to review prior to the meeting.) Each month a financial report is provided, and various trusted servants provide updates on their activities on behalf of the AA groups in Nassau County.
During the meeting, the chair will often ask for questions, comments of concerns. You are also free to raise your hand at any point to participate!
All Nassau County AA groups are entitled to one vote each on Intergroup matters, including the election of officers that happens every two years.
Doing The Job
The primary function of an Intergroup Rep is to carry information between your home group and the Intergroup office, and to help the Intergroup reach decisions by participating in discussions and voting.
You can also help round up trusted servants for ongoing tasks (like Nightbook, Twelve Step contact list, etc.) and for events (like Share-A-Day, Alkathons, etc.) by bringing information back to your group.
Just as importantly, you’ll help Intergroup make vital decisions when you represent your home group’s conscience by voting on Intergroup matters. To do this, you’ll need to attend your home group’s business meetings, and attend the monthly Intergroup Reps’ meeting.

Please review our local pamphlet “Being a Trusted Servant in Nassau Intergroup” along with the “Twelve Traditions Illustrated” and “Twelve Concepts for World Service Illustrated” to learn more about serving AA beyond the home group.