You don’t have to do this alone.
Talk to a sober AA member
Our local AA hotline is answered 24/7 by local, sober members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
We are not treatment professionals or counselors; we are simply people who used to struggle with a drinking problem, who have found a way out.
AA members help other problem drinkers by sharing their experience, strength and hope. Anyone with a desire to stop drinking is welcome.
AA does not provide medical care, does not operate any rehabs or detoxes, but we do have some information we are happy to pass along to those looking for such help.

Attend an AA meeting
AA meetings are run by AA members.
“Open” meetings can be attended by anyone interested in learning more about AA, including family, friends and professionals. “Closed” meetings can only be attended by those with a desire to stop drinking.
The format for each meeting is decided upon by the members of the local group. Most meetings involve a reading from AA literature, and sober members sharing their personal experience with drinking and with staying sober.
If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to join us! There are no forms to fill out, no dues to pay — you don’t even have to talk. You can come, sit and listen to see if AA is right for you.