Responsible for exploring, developing, and offering resources to alcoholics with significant barriers to receiving the Alcoholics Anonymous message and to participating in our program of recovery. Works to ensure that A.A. is available to all alcoholics who reach out for it by encouraging groups to share info about their meeting space.
Responsible for helping local AAs carry our message of hope into local treatment, detox and related facilities. This includes coordinating speakers and AA literature for regular meetings, helping soon-to-be-released alcoholics get to their first meeting in Nassau County, and responding to Bridging the Gap requests for people returning to Nassau County.
Responsible for gathering, laying out, editing and distributing a monthly newsletter with information about Alcoholics Anonymous in Nassau County, including content such as articles written by local AA members on AA topics, service committee reports, and information about upcoming events.
Responsible for managing the overnight shifts of the hotline service. They coordinate and schedule volunteers to ensure 24/7 coverage. The coordinator oversees the distribution and tracking of the hotline’s phone list and resources.
The Office Phone Rep Coordinator coordinates volunteer staffing and scheduling to ensure our 24 hour hotline get answered from 9am-5pm every day. Orders supplies and coordinates cleaning services for the office.
Responsible for ensuring that the general public has accurate information about what AA does and does not do. Arranges for well-informed AA speakers to talk about our fellowship and our program of recovery at non-AA meetings, while always maintaining members’ personal anonymity at the level of public media.
Responsible for planning and executing our biggest annual event! This committee secures a location, creates a day-long program of workshops, speakers and panels, arranges for food and beverages, coordinates with other trusted servants for service display tables, and enlists willing alcoholics to perform in a fun/informative Traditions Play
Responsible for hosting a quarterly meeting where AA groups can book incoming speakers from other groups. The Speaker Exchange is currently held from 7am-8am on the 3rd Saturday of March, June, September and December at the Bellmore Presbyterian Church located at 2740 Martin Ave in Bellmore
Responsible for overseeing and managing Nassau Intergroup technology, including the Nassau Intergroup website, office equipment, software, and digital information. Meets monthly to discuss best practices and ensure accuracy and efficiency for all tech systems. Provides support for virtual/hybrid Intergroup events.
Nassau Intergroup provides information, resources, and services in support of A.A. groups and members in Nassau County, Long Island, NY.
© 2024 Nassau InterGroup